Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lincoln Again

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time"
-Abraham Lincoln

I wonder if when he came up with these quotes or speeches he thought "Oh, that is a good one." He has so much attributed to him that I wonder if he did give himself credit for some of them.

The amazing thing about Lincoln is that he was truly self taught, self-driven and self-sustained. He didn't get anything from anyone. People looked at him in his youth as someone who would never amount to much. As he grew in age and political stature, people thought he gave a nice homespun speech compared to the big machine politics of the cities and the Northeast. Finally as the Election of 1860 came about, they finally looked to him as a moral guide for a generation. A generation that needed a moral guide. This was a guide who built his own future based on his moral principles and hard work.

It was said he spoke with conviction. He spoke with certainty. He spoke with intelligence. I bet he did know when to give himself credit

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