Sunday, July 31, 2011


I do wonder what it would be like if I won Powerball. I would spend so much time up north at our cabin that I might get tired of swimming in the river and having a fire in the burn pit like we did this weekend. But I doubt it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

End of July

As July comes to an end, it is hard to believe where the time has gone. I find this month to be so busy that the time just goes by without a thought. I find myself looking at the calendar in disbelief. School is just a month away and now it's time to think about how to get ready for teachers to come back. The next two weeks ought to do it unless the golf course calls.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer work

Isn't it funny in the summer that you can be much more successful in a short time when you have great weather and something to do? I am finding I am getting pretty impatient when we have long conversations during the summer with the sun shining and fun things to do ahead.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Golf is like life. You play golf to do your best, improve if you can. There are parts of your game that always need improvement much like life. There are times when it all comes together. You hit the shot just like you see them in your head and you feel like you can do anything. You control the ground, the air, and that tiny white ball. then there are days when you are off by that little bit. Not one shot goes right or just a few go right. Enough to make you think you reach your goal but when it comes down to that key moment, you come up short. That has been my week at the State Amateur. I came up short by a couple shots. Sometimes I feel as if in each part of my life I come short by a shot or two. Should I limit my pursuits to be better at one or two? Or do I still pursue the different pursuits trying to balance them all? Maybe age will bring wisdom or the consistency in all the things in my life.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Life is too short to suffer with regret and yet we live with it all the time. Regret decisions that we make at times and yet how do we deal with them after the decision. I vow from here on out to make amends for poor decisions and vow to be better with my decisions.