Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Over?

So the question right now is when are you going back to school? When I reply, the standard answer is that "summer is over!" It is almost said with glee.
I have never had a traditional 9-5 job. Since I was a 5 year old, I have had more flexibility in the summer than the 9-5ers. As an administrator, I spend a good deal of the summer in the office doing the behind the scenes work to get school ready to start. It is quiet (except our building project this summer) and very productive. I enjoy the summer because a great deal gets done. I miss the kids being here at school but it as everyone has said, they will be back soon.
For me, summer isn't over. I have much left to do here at school before everything will be ready. But I will still find time to hit the beach and the course. I just have to stop listening to the gleeful comments...

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