Sunday, June 12, 2011

Graduation 2011

It is always a melancholy time of year for students moving onto the next challenges of their lives. Graduation represents that rite of passage that is filled with hope and regret. Hope for all that is ahead of you and regret for the loss of all that was good and safe. As we approach the end of middle school for this class, I cannot help but wonder what the students are thinking. Are they looking forward to their next school? Are they lamenting the loss of this school? Are they just looking forward to the short respite between this school year and the next one? Are they thinking about Monday? I think kids of this age are just insolated enough from serious concerns that this time passes quickly without melancholy. Time is irrelevant in some respects. Time is for someone else to keep. Hope and regret are for us older folks to feel.

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