Monday, October 27, 2008

Going to class

I am fortunate to supervise several great teachers who make their subjects come alive. Their understanding of their subject and how to best get their students engaged in the subject. Teaching is not the singular challenge of instructions in the traditional form; adult standing in front of students and students soaking everything in that the teacher says.

The world is different today and therefor we are different. The work that teachers do today has to be different than ever before. For those who are doing the same thing as 20 or even 10 years ago, they have missed out on so many changes, so much progress and a higher level of understanding of adolescence. The good news is that teachers are always improving and keeping up with the newest research and teaching strategies.

So I get to go into classrooms and learn the best lessons. Whether it is a lesson on photo realism or a chance to see students present their best work in front of their classmates, I feel lucky to learn all I do. I wonder if I was 12 or 13 today, how different I would be. I guess I should keep going to class.

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