Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First Day of School
As we end the first day of school, I am tired. I can't imagine what it is like to be a student anymore and what it must feel like. The energy level they have helps them make it through the craziness of the first days of school while I wonder how I will manage the next. I love the first days of school but I will admit that sleep is not an issue anymore. I wish I could possess the energy these kids do to help me through it all.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I do wonder what it would be like if I won Powerball. I would spend so much time up north at our cabin that I might get tired of swimming in the river and having a fire in the burn pit like we did this weekend. But I doubt it.
Monday, July 25, 2011
End of July
As July comes to an end, it is hard to believe where the time has gone. I find this month to be so busy that the time just goes by without a thought. I find myself looking at the calendar in disbelief. School is just a month away and now it's time to think about how to get ready for teachers to come back. The next two weeks ought to do it unless the golf course calls.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Summer work
Isn't it funny in the summer that you can be much more successful in a short time when you have great weather and something to do? I am finding I am getting pretty impatient when we have long conversations during the summer with the sun shining and fun things to do ahead.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Golf is like life. You play golf to do your best, improve if you can. There are parts of your game that always need improvement much like life. There are times when it all comes together. You hit the shot just like you see them in your head and you feel like you can do anything. You control the ground, the air, and that tiny white ball. then there are days when you are off by that little bit. Not one shot goes right or just a few go right. Enough to make you think you reach your goal but when it comes down to that key moment, you come up short. That has been my week at the State Amateur. I came up short by a couple shots. Sometimes I feel as if in each part of my life I come short by a shot or two. Should I limit my pursuits to be better at one or two? Or do I still pursue the different pursuits trying to balance them all? Maybe age will bring wisdom or the consistency in all the things in my life.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Life is too short to suffer with regret and yet we live with it all the time. Regret decisions that we make at times and yet how do we deal with them after the decision. I vow from here on out to make amends for poor decisions and vow to be better with my decisions.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Graduation 2011
So here we are, Graduation 2011; the end of an era and the beginning of another one. As one of my favorite writers Dr. Seuss once said:
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the one who'll decide where to go.”
Graduation is a bittersweet time; a time to recall all the good times you have had here and a time to say goodbye, a time for celebration and a time for apprehension. You have accomplished many goals through your time here at Rye Junior High School including surviving the middle years. You have grown and developed into fine young adults. I am very proud of you.
When I think back about this class, I have such fond memories. We started in the jungle three years ago. Which leads me to a little story… When the sixth grade does their Africa Unit, there is a sort of culminating activity that combines all that the students have worked on and learned through this interdisciplinary unit. The sixth grade teachers had a little activity planned that would include the students but for this class, it just wasn’t going to do. These students started putting together a demonstration of their learning with the assistance of the teachers that turned into quite a spectacle. A river system went through Mr. Bissonnette’s room. There were songs performed in French from various African nations. Folk tales were told and acted out that students had done in language arts. And of course, the rock band performed their own (and appropriate) version of “Welcome to the Jungle” with lyrics about their teachers.
This class has certainly shown their own flair. It is the group that signed up in droves for the Talent Show. From comedic MC’s to rock songs, this group has blown the roof off the gym two years running. The band and chorus performances have been second to none.
Students of this class have showed perseverance. Despite some challenging times, this group has persevered through it all. Tough assignments, social situations, and competitive endeavors have never held this group back.
Intelligence. This class has an intelligence that will serve them well. Not only in test scores but in truly understanding what they have learned, this is a class of scholars who can speak about what they know. It is a rare combination to not only be intelligent but articulate. Every visitor to our building this year was amazed about how each student could talk about what they know in a thoughtful way. This intelligence will truly serve you well.
This class has shown Respect to its community and all the students of Rye. They are the leaders of the school and have helped to make it the community it is. For that, I say thank you and I will miss your leadership. Students look up you for your commitment to the underdog and underprivileged. You share your gifts of caring. For after all “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make,” right Charlie? This group is full of love and caring and that all I could wish for in all of us.
So what do I have to say as you leave us? What words of wisdom should this principal pass on to you as you move onto the next station of your life? I believe there is greatness in this class. Not for the talents you possess which are many but for the people you are. I believe you can change this world. I believe you have the human qualities that will make this world a better place; a world that desperately needs compassion and caring in a time becoming more electronic and impersonal. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “ Be the change you want to see in the world.” Lead with the qualities you have been instilled with, that you possess, and that you wish to have.
So today was the last time at the front door I greeted you. The last day for “Good Mornings”, high fives, comments about the cool t-shirt or the nice shoes. I will miss you and your bright smiles, cheerful hellos and great optimism. I will miss your flair, perseverance, intelligence, and respect. I wish you all the best.
Chris Pollet
Rye Junior High School
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the one who'll decide where to go.”
Graduation is a bittersweet time; a time to recall all the good times you have had here and a time to say goodbye, a time for celebration and a time for apprehension. You have accomplished many goals through your time here at Rye Junior High School including surviving the middle years. You have grown and developed into fine young adults. I am very proud of you.
When I think back about this class, I have such fond memories. We started in the jungle three years ago. Which leads me to a little story… When the sixth grade does their Africa Unit, there is a sort of culminating activity that combines all that the students have worked on and learned through this interdisciplinary unit. The sixth grade teachers had a little activity planned that would include the students but for this class, it just wasn’t going to do. These students started putting together a demonstration of their learning with the assistance of the teachers that turned into quite a spectacle. A river system went through Mr. Bissonnette’s room. There were songs performed in French from various African nations. Folk tales were told and acted out that students had done in language arts. And of course, the rock band performed their own (and appropriate) version of “Welcome to the Jungle” with lyrics about their teachers.
This class has certainly shown their own flair. It is the group that signed up in droves for the Talent Show. From comedic MC’s to rock songs, this group has blown the roof off the gym two years running. The band and chorus performances have been second to none.
Students of this class have showed perseverance. Despite some challenging times, this group has persevered through it all. Tough assignments, social situations, and competitive endeavors have never held this group back.
Intelligence. This class has an intelligence that will serve them well. Not only in test scores but in truly understanding what they have learned, this is a class of scholars who can speak about what they know. It is a rare combination to not only be intelligent but articulate. Every visitor to our building this year was amazed about how each student could talk about what they know in a thoughtful way. This intelligence will truly serve you well.
This class has shown Respect to its community and all the students of Rye. They are the leaders of the school and have helped to make it the community it is. For that, I say thank you and I will miss your leadership. Students look up you for your commitment to the underdog and underprivileged. You share your gifts of caring. For after all “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make,” right Charlie? This group is full of love and caring and that all I could wish for in all of us.
So what do I have to say as you leave us? What words of wisdom should this principal pass on to you as you move onto the next station of your life? I believe there is greatness in this class. Not for the talents you possess which are many but for the people you are. I believe you can change this world. I believe you have the human qualities that will make this world a better place; a world that desperately needs compassion and caring in a time becoming more electronic and impersonal. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “ Be the change you want to see in the world.” Lead with the qualities you have been instilled with, that you possess, and that you wish to have.
So today was the last time at the front door I greeted you. The last day for “Good Mornings”, high fives, comments about the cool t-shirt or the nice shoes. I will miss you and your bright smiles, cheerful hellos and great optimism. I will miss your flair, perseverance, intelligence, and respect. I wish you all the best.
Chris Pollet
Rye Junior High School
Thursday, June 16, 2011
How do you separate?
How do you separate your experience as a young athlete from your child's experience? Youth coaches have been dealing with this issue since the advent of youth sports. A coach wants his son or daughter to be their best and sometimes it comes at the expense of other kids. The competitive nature of the coaches sometimes overwhelms the experience for the kids and then its get ugly. How do we balance our desire for our kids to do well and the needs of all the kids? Anyone got an answer?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Graduation 2011
It is always a melancholy time of year for students moving onto the next challenges of their lives. Graduation represents that rite of passage that is filled with hope and regret. Hope for all that is ahead of you and regret for the loss of all that was good and safe. As we approach the end of middle school for this class, I cannot help but wonder what the students are thinking. Are they looking forward to their next school? Are they lamenting the loss of this school? Are they just looking forward to the short respite between this school year and the next one? Are they thinking about Monday? I think kids of this age are just insolated enough from serious concerns that this time passes quickly without melancholy. Time is irrelevant in some respects. Time is for someone else to keep. Hope and regret are for us older folks to feel.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
What is up at RJH?
So what have we been up to at RJH over the past several months? Well quite a few things as a matter of fact. We have been reviewing our implementation of the Learning Compact. What is the Learning Compact?
Below is the letter Dr. Cushing, my superintendent, wrote to then Commissioner Lionel Tracy in 2007 concerning the Follow the Child Initiative:
“Dr. Tracy, the reason our SAU finds the Follow the Child Growth Model so attractive in SAU #50, we look at the whole child. We talk about putting a face behind the numbers of standardized test scores. We are a small SAU that shares a common vision and our teachers and staffs support each other across district boundaries. SAU #50 would welcome the opportunity to take what we are currently doing to the next level. This would involve grounding our instruction in a whole child belief system, and not just measuring the child and the school on a standardized test.”
In our effort to embrace the “Follow the Child” initiative, we have created the Learning Compact. It is our attempt to connect students, parents and teachers in a partnership. There are three components to necessary in creating a successful partnership starting with the Student Information Form (filled out by teachers). This information form is filled out by the student’s teachers electronically to pass to the receiving team to help new teams differentiate their instruction. The Partnership with Parents Form (filled out by parents) is the second component of this compact. The Partnership with Parents form is sent out each summer solicits input from parents about their sons and daughters. The Goal Setting Process for students allows for students to outline their hopes and dreams in long term and short term goals. Goal Setting is done early in the school year when energy is high and goals are better to set. The research says that students reach those goals that they set for themselves when they write them down 85% of the time. So we have them write them down. The parent and the teacher work together to help support the student in reaching their goal. These three components all work together to bring the greatest success for students.
We have been doing various components of this since the onset of Learning Compact. This year we have been implementing the goal setting through our homeroom/advisory period. We have worked to communicate with parents their students goals. Though not perfect, we are making strides. Our Advisory Committee has been reviewing the year and making plans for the upcoming year. Stay tuned.
Below is the letter Dr. Cushing, my superintendent, wrote to then Commissioner Lionel Tracy in 2007 concerning the Follow the Child Initiative:
“Dr. Tracy, the reason our SAU finds the Follow the Child Growth Model so attractive in SAU #50, we look at the whole child. We talk about putting a face behind the numbers of standardized test scores. We are a small SAU that shares a common vision and our teachers and staffs support each other across district boundaries. SAU #50 would welcome the opportunity to take what we are currently doing to the next level. This would involve grounding our instruction in a whole child belief system, and not just measuring the child and the school on a standardized test.”
In our effort to embrace the “Follow the Child” initiative, we have created the Learning Compact. It is our attempt to connect students, parents and teachers in a partnership. There are three components to necessary in creating a successful partnership starting with the Student Information Form (filled out by teachers). This information form is filled out by the student’s teachers electronically to pass to the receiving team to help new teams differentiate their instruction. The Partnership with Parents Form (filled out by parents) is the second component of this compact. The Partnership with Parents form is sent out each summer solicits input from parents about their sons and daughters. The Goal Setting Process for students allows for students to outline their hopes and dreams in long term and short term goals. Goal Setting is done early in the school year when energy is high and goals are better to set. The research says that students reach those goals that they set for themselves when they write them down 85% of the time. So we have them write them down. The parent and the teacher work together to help support the student in reaching their goal. These three components all work together to bring the greatest success for students.
We have been doing various components of this since the onset of Learning Compact. This year we have been implementing the goal setting through our homeroom/advisory period. We have worked to communicate with parents their students goals. Though not perfect, we are making strides. Our Advisory Committee has been reviewing the year and making plans for the upcoming year. Stay tuned.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Just got a new iPad and it is quite a different technology for me. A little challenging in the typing area and certainly no place for the home position for your fingers. My high school typing teacher would not be happy. I wonder what her class looks like now?
Anyway, cool technology but we will see what new things it brings to my technology skill set.
Anyway, cool technology but we will see what new things it brings to my technology skill set.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Sunday Night
I know I am not the only one who cannot sleep on Sunday night. Now, it is after vacation and the sleep will come even harder. I will have a million things swirling around in my head and not be able to get them out during the wee hours of the morning. With seven weeks left in school, so much to do will only add to the struggle. I remember as a kid, the end of summer meant less sleep for me but the vacations do not stick out. Is that only an adult thing? How about a principal thing? Or is it a me thing?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Education in the 21st Century
How do we prepare kids for all they need? The world is changing at a rate that leaves only guessing what it will look like. We focus on problem solving, technology and the three r's. But really, can't we focus on the qualities of a person we want for all children? Responsible, caring and community minded people will be what lead this world in the right direction. Are we capable as the last free standing institution? Or is that parents are for? Shared responsibility is my answer.
Monday, April 11, 2011
How many Screams can they make?
Really, how many Scream movies can they make? Now I am not a huge horror film fan but do appreciate some of the classics by Hitchcock or even throw in the original Halloween. But seriously, Scream 4? I know that it is about money and not the quality of film. It is all a little bit annoying.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
11, 8, 4, and 3
How about this March Madness? No number 1's and an 11 make the final four? I don't feel too bad. How is your bracket?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Lighter moment
Ok, enough seriousness. Remember this one:
Through the window, off the wall, nothing but net
Through the window, off the wall, nothing but net
No excuses
I have a few excuses myself. But after watching the following Nike commercial, I have no one to blame but myself when I don't put in the effort to accomplish something:
Example #1000
The following is example number 1000 for why we need to change our methods in teaching. It is just so obvious that we are in a different world which is changing more rapidly than ever. We are going to sit them in chairs and teach how we did 20 years ago? That would be a crime. Copy and paste the following link.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Appreciate this article
I am done with my ranting. Just get back to the focus on the important things in school; kids and teachers. My wife shared this article with me. It gave the energy and perspective I needed
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What is the value?
What is the value of an education? It is hard to define. Some people find value in students progress through the various levels of school successfully. Others think it is in test scores. Some think it is what college students get into. But it is this time of year when we look at budgets and teacher pay that we forget about student success. We think about taxes and our pockets.
I don't believe that the value of education should be put in line with our personal finances but it is. When will we change the system and stop basing salaries and education budgets on our taxes and ability to pay. Don't we limit our children's future by our willingness to pay for their education?
We do want our children to be more successful than we have been, right?
I don't believe that the value of education should be put in line with our personal finances but it is. When will we change the system and stop basing salaries and education budgets on our taxes and ability to pay. Don't we limit our children's future by our willingness to pay for their education?
We do want our children to be more successful than we have been, right?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Being a teacher
"You are never going to make a million dollars," friends and family told me when I got into the field of education. Although I have moved into the role of administrator, I still am a teacher and I haven't made a million dollars. Don't plan to in the near future.
Being a public school teacher is rewarding as you work with a variety of learners and always have to stay fresh. I work in a middle school and am constantly amazed how many different situations present themselves. You have to be fresh to work with middle level learners.
It is budget time and teacher contracts and benefits are under scrutiny in these challenging economic times. It is encouraging to see that the economy is slowly coming back. Yet, the public outcry against the proposed contracts or even the existing one is everywhere. I can understand that people are frustrated when they see people getting a small increase in pay when people are losing their jobs. When bonuses that have been a staple for private sector people have dried up, frustration sets in. Teachers getting 2 or 2.5 percent increases are seen as extravagances. Any increase on the tax rate is too much.
I have to disagree with those who choose now to go after the benefits teachers have received for years along with the small increases negotiated this year. "Teachers work only 185 days" or "Health benefits shouldn't be paid for teachers" or "Their base salary is way too high" are the cries that are heard when it comes to teachers. I find it hard to listen to these arguments when teachers have been underpaid for their work as compared to people in the private sector. Teachers don't receive bonuses. It takes upwards of 215 days to actually get the 185 days in for a school year. Forced shutdowns called February and April vacations do not mean paid vacations. Everything you do is under scrutiny of hundreds of self selected supervisors who believe since they pay taxes, they set policy.
I moved to the town I live in because of the educational system that is in place. I recognize that it does indeed cost something to have such a system. I know that I should make a little more each year and I know that helps to cover cost of living increases (including taxes). I understand that having good teacher and a good school comes with a very reasonable cost and I am willing to pay for it.
I do wish everyone were still getting their bonuses and pay increases in the private sector. Schools aren't the place to find your lost income.
Being a public school teacher is rewarding as you work with a variety of learners and always have to stay fresh. I work in a middle school and am constantly amazed how many different situations present themselves. You have to be fresh to work with middle level learners.
It is budget time and teacher contracts and benefits are under scrutiny in these challenging economic times. It is encouraging to see that the economy is slowly coming back. Yet, the public outcry against the proposed contracts or even the existing one is everywhere. I can understand that people are frustrated when they see people getting a small increase in pay when people are losing their jobs. When bonuses that have been a staple for private sector people have dried up, frustration sets in. Teachers getting 2 or 2.5 percent increases are seen as extravagances. Any increase on the tax rate is too much.
I have to disagree with those who choose now to go after the benefits teachers have received for years along with the small increases negotiated this year. "Teachers work only 185 days" or "Health benefits shouldn't be paid for teachers" or "Their base salary is way too high" are the cries that are heard when it comes to teachers. I find it hard to listen to these arguments when teachers have been underpaid for their work as compared to people in the private sector. Teachers don't receive bonuses. It takes upwards of 215 days to actually get the 185 days in for a school year. Forced shutdowns called February and April vacations do not mean paid vacations. Everything you do is under scrutiny of hundreds of self selected supervisors who believe since they pay taxes, they set policy.
I moved to the town I live in because of the educational system that is in place. I recognize that it does indeed cost something to have such a system. I know that I should make a little more each year and I know that helps to cover cost of living increases (including taxes). I understand that having good teacher and a good school comes with a very reasonable cost and I am willing to pay for it.
I do wish everyone were still getting their bonuses and pay increases in the private sector. Schools aren't the place to find your lost income.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
What is important?
When I think about schools, the most important thing you can focus on is climate. Professional climate is one thing we often overlook and we as adults end up treating each other like the kids often treat each other. It is without care or concern. If we cannot treat each other well, why should we expect our kids to behave well. Why would we have a good climate?
Monday, January 31, 2011
Winter Weather
Can you make it through a winter without getting a little depressed? This would be the year of challenge. I have managed to stay focused on the important things each storm: Spend time shoveling, doing work and spending time with the family on these extra days.
I do like June better than January.
I do like June better than January.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why do you...
Why do you do what you do for a career? There has to be a worthwhile reason. Money, quality of life, or maybe a calling in your life could all be good reasons. I think more and more about this as I get older. Why do I do what I do? What do you think?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
About the kids
When we endeavor to do anything related to kids, it has to be about the kids. Whether it is coaching sports teams, teaching life lessons (like sharing), or even go skiing with the family, it has to be about the kids. We have to put our egos aside or our personal success aside and focus on the kids. Why is it that so many adults lose track of this?
Monday, January 10, 2011
New Year's Resolutions
SO does everyone come back to school with a New Year's Resolution of getting something done? The last six days have been as hectic as any I have had this year. I believe people are just trying to start off the year on the involved foot!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Ancient Aliens
I am sitting here watching "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel with my kids. Quite an afternoon! Hard to believe we are the only life forms in the universe who sit around watching this kind of show.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
When the game was ours
Just finished reading my first book with reading glasses. Another sign of getting old I dare say. "When the Game was Ours" is a great retrospective of the Bird and Magic Era, highly recommend it. There really will never be another era like that where two very similar players (and yet different) created a league like the did. Magic had more championships but looking at the stats that Larry had, scary. I wish I could have appreciated it more when I lived through it.
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